In 1862 Towamba Public School first started providing an education for the children of the Towamba Valley.
In 2012 we celebrated 150 years!
It was a wonderful celebration, with many former students making the return trip to Towamba for the day.

Towamba Public School's 150th Celebrations where you can keep updated by 'liking' us.
Feel free to also share your stories and photos.
An additional Facebook group has been started by Susan Love and is a treasure trove of old Towamba photos. Towamba Valley FB group

PROGRAM of the day 4 August 2012
10am Market stalls
10.30 Shearing demonstration
Kids games
11am Official opening
Students line up, past students invited to join in
Procession to start the 150th celebrations
Welcome to country
Principal Kathryn Davis
K12 class performance
Special guests:
3-6 Class Performance
150th cake cutting
Group photograph
Bell rung 15 times
12noon Bird call demonstrations
12.30 Bush poetry
1pm Kids games
1.30pm Shearing demonstration
2pm Wyndham School of Dance
3pm Time capsule buried
Here is our fabulous poster, courtesy of Kimberley Dodd.
Poster for 150th (pdf, 279 KB)